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ICON 上海白蚁防治教你怎样彻底消灭白蚁?
ICON 白蚁外形特征
ICON 白蚁百科
  1.头部 略呈三角形,其中央的触角窝(antennal fossa)可将头分为前头和后头两部分,前头上方称额,下方称颊。触角分3节,末节膨大,常又可分为9个假节。雄蚤触角较长,平均向下藏在触角窝内,交尾时将触角上举以挟持雌虫。有的蚤在触角窝前长有单眼。前头腹面有刺吸式口器,由针状的下颚内叶1对和内唇组成食物管,外包以分节的下唇须形成喙。蚤头部有许多鬃,根据生长部位称眼鬃、颊鬃、后头鬃等,有的种类颊部边缘具有若干粗壮的棕褐色扁刺,排成梳状,称为颊栉(genal comb)。
  2.胸部 分成3节,每节均由背板、腹板各一块及侧板2块构成。有的种类前胸背板后缘具有粗壮的梳状扁刺,称前胸栉(pronotal comb)。无翅,足3对长而发达,尤以基节特别宽大,跗节分为5节,末节具有爪1对。
  3.腹部 由10节组成,前7节称正常腹节,每节背板两侧各有气门1对。雄蚤8、9 腹节、雌蚤7~9腹节变形为外生殖器,第10腹节为肛节。第 7节背板后缘两侧各有一组粗壮的鬃,称臀前鬃(antepygidial bristle), 保护着其后第8节上的臀板(pygidium),臀板为感觉器官,略呈圆形,板上有若干杯状凹陷并且各具一根细长鬃和许多小刺。
  1.卵 椭圆形,长0.4~1.0mm,初产时白色、有光泽,以后逐渐变成暗黄色。卵在适宜的温、湿条件下,约经5天左右即可孵出幼虫。
  2.幼虫 形似蛆而小,有三龄期。体白色或淡黄色,连头共14节,头部有咀嚼式口器和1对触角,无眼、无足,每个体节上均有1~2对鬃。幼虫甚活泼,爬行敏捷,在适宜条件下约经2~3周发育,蜕皮2次即变为成熟幼虫,体长可达4~6mm。
  3.蛹 成熟幼虫叶丝作茧,在茧内作第三次蜕皮,然后化蛹。茧呈黄白色,外面常粘着一些灰尘或碎屑,有伪装作用。发育的蛹已具成虫雏形,头、胸、腹及足均已形成,并逐渐变为淡棕色。蛹期一般为1~2周,有时可长达1年,其长短取决于温度与湿度是否适宜。茧内的蛹羽化时需要外界的刺激。如空气的震动,动物走近的扰动和接触压力以及温度的升高等,都可诱使成虫破茧而出。这一特性可解释为什么人进入久无人住的房舍时会被大量蚤袭击。
  4.成虫 成虫羽化后可立即交配,然后开始吸血,并在一、二天后产卵。雌蚤一生可产卵数百个。蚤的寿命约一、二年。
  蚤各期发育和繁殖对温度的依赖都很大,温度低时卵的孵化、幼虫蜕皮化蛹都大大延迟。各种蚤发育所需的有效温度不同,可反应在其地理分布上。致痒蚤(Pulex irritans)发育需较高温度,成为温暖地带常见蚤种。印鼠客蚤(Xenopsylla cheopis)需要更高温度,该蚤则只在我国南方各省多见。
  1.骚扰吸血 人进入有蚤的场所或蚤随家畜或鼠类活动侵入居室,蚤均可到人身上骚扰并吸血。人的反应各不相同,严重者影响休息或因抓搔致感染。
  2.寄生 潜蚤雌虫寄生于动物皮下。在人体是因穿皮潜蚤(Tunga penetrans)寄生引起潜蚤病。该病见于中南美洲及热带非洲,我国尚无记录。
  ⑴鼠疫:是鼠疫杆菌(Yersinia pestis)所致的烈性传染病。其自然宿主在我国是旱獭(Marmota)、黄鼠(Citellus)和沙鼠(Meriones),蚤是重要的传播媒介。当蚤吸食病鼠血后,鼠疫杆菌在蚤的前胃棘间增殖,形成菌栓,造成前胃堵塞。再次吸血时血液不能到达胃内,反而携带杆菌回流到宿主体内致使宿主感染。受染的蚤由于饥饿,及血频繁,因而更多地感染宿主动物。该习性在鼠疫的传播上具有重要意义。
  ⑵鼠型斑疹伤寒:由蚤传播莫氏立克次体(Rickettsia mooseri)引起的急性传染病。原是热带和温带鼠类特别是家栖鼠类的传染病。在人群中仅为散发,偶尔也暴发流行。蚤吸血感染后,立克次体在其胃和马氏管上皮细胞内繁殖,细胞破裂后随粪排出。一般认为人是在被蚤叮咬后蚤粪污染伤口而致感染。立克次体在蚤类粪中可保持传染性长达9年。
  1.致痒蚤(Pulex irritans) 亦称人蚤,在眼下方有眼鬃毛1根;受精囊的头部圆形,尾部细长弯曲呈世界性分布,我国各地均可见,也是人体最常见的蚤。嗜吸狗、猪和人血,对人骚扰性较大,尤以儿童为甚。可传播鼠疫,也是犬复孔绦虫、缩小膜壳绦虫的中间宿主。
  2.印鼠客蚤(Xenopsylla cheopis) 眼鬃毛1根,位于眼的前方;受精囊的头部与尾部宽度相近,且大部分呈暗色在我国沿海省市多见,主要宿主是家栖鼠类如小家鼠、褐家鼠和黄胸鼠等。亦吸人血。是人间鼠疫的重要媒介,也传播鼠型斑疹伤寒和缩小膜壳绦虫。

  1.清除孳生地 宜在平时结合灭鼠、防鼠进行,包括清除鼠窝、堵塞鼠洞、堵塞鼠洞,清扫禽畜棚圈、室内暗角等,并用各种杀虫剂杀灭残留的成蚤及其幼虫。
  2.灭蚤防蚤 药物敌百虫、敌敌畏等喷洒杀蚤有效。同时,注意对狗、猫等家畜的管理,如定期用药液给狗、猫洗澡。在鼠疫流行时应采取紧急灭蚤措施并加强个人防护。



There are over 2,000 described species of fleas in the world. The most common domestic flea is the cat flea. The dog flea appears similar to the cat flea, but is rare in the United States . The stick tight flea can become a problem if pets frequent areas associated with poultry.

Eggs are oval, and smooth (Fig. 1.-upper left). They are tiny (0.5mm), but visible to the naked eye. Their white color may prevent them from being seen on lightly- colored fabric.

Small wormlike larvae (1.5-5 mm in length) hatch from the eggs (Fig. 1.-upper right). They are also visible to the naked eye. They are eyeless, legless and sparsely covered with hairs. The larval body is translucent white with a dark-colored gut that can be seen through the skin.

These immature fleas will eventually spin silken cocoons (Fig. 1.-lower right) in which they will develop (pupate) into adult fleas. Cocoons are sticky, attracting dirt and debris. This camouflage may prevent them from being seen.

Adults are about 1-3 mm in length, reddish-brown to black, wingless, and laterally compressed (Fig. 1.-lower left). Their powerful hind legs are well adapted for jumping and running through hair and feathers.

Life Cycle & Biology

Cat flea adults, unlike many other fleas, remain on their host (Fig. 3). Females require a fresh blood meal in order to produce eggs. They can lay up to 1 per hour! The smooth eggs easily fall from the pet onto the carpet, bedding, or lawn. Eggs hatch within 2 days, and the developing larvae feed on dandruff, food particles, and skin flakes found on the floor around them. Adult flea fecal matter consists of relatively undigested blood. This dried blood also falls from the pet and serves as food for the newly hatched larvae.

Fleas prefer to develop in areas protected from rainfall, irrigation, and sunlight, where the relative humidity is at least 75% and the temperature is 70-90ºC. This stage lasts 5-15 days.

Larvae spin silken cocoons within carpet fibers, floor crevices, or protected outdoor areas in which they will develop (pupate) into adult fleas. The cocoons are sticky and easily camouflaged by local debris. Under optimal conditions, new adults are ready to emerge within 2 weeks. They develop faster at higher temperatures, but can remain in their cocoons up to 12 months. Vibrations and/or increase in carbon dioxide stimulate adults to emerge.

Adult fleas are the only growth stage that actually lives on the pet and feeds on fresh blood. They live 4-25 days.

Problems Associated With Fleas

The cat flea is capable of transmitting plague and murine typhus to humans, but reports are rare; its primary importance is its nuisance to humans and pets. Fleas are not picky about their meals; any warm-blooded animal will do. Bites usually cause minor itching, but may be more irritating to those with sensitive skin. Some people and pets suffer from flea allergy dermatitis, lasting up to 5 days and characterized by intense itching, reddening at the bite site, hair loss, and secondary infection. Cat fleas also serve as intermediate hosts of dog tapeworms. These intestinal parasites are transmitted to the pet while grooming via ingestion of an adult flea carrying a tapeworm cyst. Fleas are infected by ingestion of cysts during their larval stage. The parasite segments resemble small pieces of rice and may be discovered around the anal region of your pet.

Detection and Monitoring

Detection is as simple as seeing fleas on your pet, noticing your pet scratching, or flea bites around your ankles. Perhaps there are small black pieces of dirt covering your pet's bedding, or perhaps you've noticed tapeworm segments near or on your pet. The black dirt is the adult flea feces left behind to serve as food for larvae, and tapeworms are acquired by the animal's ingestion of fleas. Another tale tail sign is the appearance of pearly-white eggs on flat surfaces occupied by the pet. Eggs become particularly apparent when contrasted on dark-colored surfaces. Soft, liquid-filled flea eggs can be easily distinguished from sand grains by simply pressing them.

Monitoring is more difficult than simple detection. Fleas reproduce rapidly (one female can produce up to one egg per hour throughout her 4-week adult life), so if you spot one flea there are probably more. Shuffling around you home in white socks looking for fleas jumping onto the socks can help monitor hot spots for flea infestations. This information can help direct control efforts.

If you got flea infestation, please call professional pest control company for help.

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